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Schedule and Contact Information

(920) 915-4006

Shelly Anderson

Speech Pathologist | RYT-200

I’ve come to believe in the old saying that “everything happens at its own pace and in its own time”. Suffice it to say that yoga came to me at the perfect time! It began in March of 2009 and my first yoga practice became the first of many. I quickly became hooked because it gave me tools to start over and change my life in a positive way…. At the time, I was a stay at home mother/housewife and my three sons were 10, 8 and 7. I was dealing with a lot of turmoil in my life and the stress that came with it seemed unbearable. After that first yoga practice, I felt a sense of peace that I had never felt before and I knew I needed more. I began going to yoga regularly, and with continued practice I began to take what I learned on my yoga mat and incorporate it into my daily life. I began taking one moment at a time and soaking up the beauty around me; rather than getting so wrapped up in my thoughts. I began to breathe; rather than to react. I began to relax in moments of discomfort; rather than to flee. As I did these things, I found that I was much better equipped to deal with the turmoil and stress in my life. Subsequently, my life improved. Soon after, I began to feel the pull to become a certified yoga teacher so that I could help others change their lives for the better.

But the time just wasn’t right. So instead of teaching, I told EVERYBODY about yoga. I am happy to say that I encouraged many people to begin doing yoga over the past 8 years. FINALLY, in June of 2018 (9 years after my first yoga class) I earned my 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher certificate through Yoga Alliance. Perfect timing too!

Lastly, I will always show you a smile and pass on what my mentor, Yelena Foster, passed on to me, which is a sense of playfulness to our practice together! Life is meant to be enjoyed!

Shine on,
